Real Good Toys



Checklist for building the Beachside Bungalow  
Set-up a workspace: [click here] Customization: [click here]
Identify the parts   [click here]
Painting   [click here] Dye or Stain Shingles [click here]
  Finish the Floors: [click here]
Wiring? [click here] Some of the wiring is easiest along with the assembly
Assembly: [click here]
Interior [click here] (wiring? finish the wiring now)
Paint color worksheet  
  Printable Checklist (list below).  

Decisions: Accessories, Colors, Customization, etc.
Identify and label all of the parts
Paint everything one coat
Finish the Floors
Sand everything until the paint is smooth, transparent, and some of the wood is showing through
Option: Add an Electrification Slot to the Base Floor
Test the Assembly to see how things fit and what gets painted
Second-coat everything (the outside)... Everything that gets glued to the house should be fully painted
Build the Housebody up to the Roof
Optional: Start the wiring
Mark, paint, and attach the Roofs (but do not glue the Rear Roof)
Optional: Attic wiring
Install the Dividers
Optional: Finish the wiring
Assemble and finish painting everything else
Finish the Attic - attach the Rear Roof
Finish the outside
Finish the inside