Working Windows Q&A
6010 sidelight door (here)
1011 double Fench door
1015 interior door Trim
Painting the Sidelights can just avoid the edge that approaches the window pane, but if you want to take the sash apart, here's how I do it
If you get paint in the window-pane's groove, clean it out immediately with a cut 3 x 5 card. Do not put a card in the groove while painting.
| At the top of the Sidelight, Pinch the frame and rail as close to the joint as possible 6010SideLight03_L.jpg A very small up-down motion separates the glue 6010SideLight04_L.jpg Do both ends of the top rail and slide it out 6010SideLight05_L.jpg Put the Rail back when painting and keep any irregularities lined up (don't switch ends) 6010SideLight07_L.jpg